Chao Pinhole® Technique

Receding gums can result in loose or lost teeth, bad breath, lost bone tissue and a higher risk of decay or dental caries to the dentin on the roots of the teeth. At Agave Dental Care, our dentists and team offer the Chao Pinhole® technique in El Paso, Texas, as an effective way to address this problem. We invite you to call our office at 915-833-0303 to learn more about this unique treatment and plan an appointment with Dr. Tony Kasallis or Dr. Stephen Sticht.

You can lose gum tissue through a lax dental routine or by neglecting visits with our dentist. Other causes may include aggressive brushing, hormonal changes, genetic issues or personal habits. The resulting pockets between the gums and teeth can lead to many of the issues mentioned above.

The Chao Pinhole® technique, also sometimes referred to as pinhole surgery, is a unique way to correct receding gums and prevent future problems. It requires no incisions or sutures. Our dentist will make a small hole in your gums. Then, using specially-designed instruments, we will loosen the gum tissue and move it over the are where recession has occurred. While we may use a local anesthetic, there is minimal discomfort associated with this treatment and there can be immediate cosmetic benefits to your smile. If you have noticed the signs of gum recession and would like to meet with our dentist to begin this treatment, call our office today and one of our team members will be happy to help.